Tugas Berita Bahasa Inggris

Wednesday, March 04, 2009

Rekan" ini ada tugas bahasa inggris kita, kalo mau nyalin tolong dibedain, Okre...

Good Morning,

Back again in the light news on RCTI with me (nama kamu) on Monday 2nd February 2009. During the next few minutes I will deliver the news about flood and landslides in Central Java

Heavy rains over the past three days have caused flooding and landslides in saveral regencies i9n Central Java at least six people dead.

Flood water engulfed several villages in kroya district, Cilacap regency, destroying 450 hectares of almost-harvested rice crops.

In Banyumas landslides destroyed at lease 15 homes on Sunday in villages of Cihonje, Telaga and Paningkaban, in gumerlar district.

That's all in the light news today

Thank you for your attention.

See you....

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“Orang boleh pandai setinggi langit,
tapi selama ia tidak menulis, ia akan hilang di dalam masyarakat dan dari sejarah.
Menulis adalah bekerja untuk keabadian.”
Pramoedya Ananta Toer